Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The feeling of uneasiness

Why did she changed heart so quickly? Is she really blinded but what J and M did and said to her? What is happening? I am praying hard that her heart did not change at all, i praying her heart is still in the tired state. Hope she is just doing things without thinking much. On the other hand, the uneasy feeling just makes me think that she did changed her heart. What is happening? What did she sees in M that i dun have? Is it the subsitute love that she felt suddenly from M because she told him what happen? M is taking steps to his target, and she is blinded by what he did before. Why? What makes M so different from me. If I dont msg her today about my medical review, will she even care about it? I doubt so, unless she found all this out. Did she really take my mum and everyone's words seriously? Did she think hard about it? From her actions and doings, the answer is NO. With so little time left, she is unprepared for most papers i think. She still willing to do all this? But for me? Nothing. Cant even talk, meet or even dinner or meal. Where as she is able to study with J and M, they meet up, talk and all till late night. Why did she change so drastically? What did her poly friends and they said to her?
I also cant blame them on doing this, partly also my fault. She have to listen to my advise! I mean her good. The feeling of uneasiness is very strong. I have to prove to her my love some how.

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